Verfilmung des gleichnamigen Literaturklassikers von Stefan Zweig, in dem ein Treuhänder auf einer Kreuzfahrt von New York nach Buenos Aires gegen einen sich ebenfalls auf dem Schiff befindenden Scha...
Verfilmung des gleichnamigen Romans von François Lelord. Im Mittelpunkt steht der leicht exzentrische Londoner Psychiater Hector, der an seinem Beruf und seiner Beziehung zu zweifeln beginnt und eine...
Der elfjährige Stephan ist nicht gerade begeistert, als seine Mutter Melanie ihn auf ein Internat schickt, damit er endlich wieder bessere Noten bekommt. Einmal auf der Schule Burg Schreckenstein ang...
Werbefilm, der die Modelle Taunus 17m und 20m in unterschiedlichen Umgebungen zeigt, etwa in den Bergen und auf einem Verkehrsübungsplatz.
Wolfgang Kohlhaase war am 9. Oktober 2014 zu Gast im Deutschen Filmmuseum. Er las aus seinem Essayband "Um die Ecke in die Welt". Nach der anschließenden Vorführung des Films "Sommer vorm Balkon" (2...
The ceremony takes place in a field, with men of Plumer's staff watching as he pins medals for bravery onto women officers of the Queen Alexandra's First Aid Nursing Yeomanry and the Voluntary Aid Det...
The workforce is mainly women working at benches or on production lines. They test rubber mouthpieces for leaks with a probe. They test the expiratory valves in the same manner. The corrugated tubes a...
III. A study of the inhabitants as they pick almonds, including a lady "of low caste" (according to the shotsheet) a girl and a veiled lady of high caste. It is not clear whether these are Jewish or M...
I. Columns of British companies march into the city on 18th October. They are Liverpool Irish, otherwise 8th Battalion, King's (Liverpool Regiment) of 57th (West Lancashire) Division. The men carry fl...
I. The film contrasts quotes from a German newspaper given as 'Westphalia Daily News' reporting the damage or destruction of prominent landmarks in the centre of London with film of those places taken...
I. The film opens as the Queen leaves a factory escorted by a mayor. It jumps to her inspecting Royal Marines and Royal Navy ratings drawn up at Chatham. The King is also present, in naval uniform. Th...
(Reel 1) Food, fodder and equipment are unloaded at a railhead freightyard, and put into motorised and horse-drawn vehicles for the trip up to Mount Tonale and the River Piave valley. The convoys move...
The R36 is nose-forward in its shed. Workers turn a large capstan to wind back the doors of the shed and the airship is towed out. It is clearly marked as R36 and as G-FAAF. It takes off from its laun...